"O' Thou who knoweth my destitution and starvation, O' Lord! O' Lord! O' Lord! I beseech Thee by Thy glory and Thy honour, by Thy supremely high attributes and by Thy names to cause me to utilise my time, day and night, in Thy remembrance, by engaging myself in serving Thee (Thy cause) and to let my deeds be such as to be acceptable to Thee, so much so that all my actions and offerings (prayers) may be transformed into one continuous and sustained effort and my life may take the form of constant and perpetual service to Thee."
--from Du'a Kumayl (adapted from duas.org)
Peace be upon you!
This is not an ordinary blog.
It is an experiment.
It is a community project.
It's purpose?
To foster creativity in the youth of our community, and more importantly to increase our spirituality, faith, and devotion to the path of the Ahlul Bayt (ع). Now that you have the motivation, here are the specifics.
The Rules
- Every blog post must start with the last sentence of the previous post (which will always be italicized).
- Anyone can write a post, and e-mail it to spiritualladder@gmail.com, or if you have a Blogger account ask to be added as a contributor to the blog.
- If the post meets some undetermined, flexible criteria, it will be published Insha'Allah.
- Your post should be within 250 and 800 words.
- Your post will be edited as the editor(s) see fit.
- This is the first post, so the second one will start with the last sentence of this one.
The Recommendations
- Keep in mind what you choose for your last sentence. It should be relatively easy to continue writing about, but not too easy.
- Try to stay on topic with the first sentence. Don't just write a few words related to it, and continue with unrelated topics.
- While the blog as a whole is meant to focus on spirituality and the teachings of the Ahlul Bayt (ع), it is okay to discuss other themes within your post, such as comparative religion, education, science, technology, or history, but try to avoid topics of a political nature (especially ones with a political agenda).
- While continuity is a motivation for this blog (see epigraph from Du'a Kumayl), feel free to change topics, as long as it relates to the first sentence. Also feel free to debate or present points that may differ from those already presented, so long as it is done in a civilized manner.
- Please try to write as professionally as possible. Try to avoid typos, but if you cannot, we will try to remove them. Also, if you notice any typos or bad grammar please point them out to us.